Step 2: Please make your initial premium payment:
Pay your initial premium through the Sutter Health Plan Online Payment Center:
Sutter Health Plan
P.O. Box 278136
Sacramento, CA 95827-8136
Step 3: Email the completed documents listed in the Small Group Submission Checklist encrypted to The email subject should include the group name and requested effective date. Upon receipt, you will receive an email confirmation.
Step 4: Sutter Health Plan will review for completion. Incomplete cases will delay processing and potentially impact the requested effective date.
You will receive presale documents, a subsequent email with the group subscriber contract for signature, and a request for any additional information required.
Step 5: Upon approval, you will receive the following:
- Group approval letter
- Countersigned contract
- Final plan documents
- Copy of the final Employer Application
Step 6: Encourage the employer’s benefits administrator to register for the Employer Portal.
Feel free to reach out to us for information or assistance, weekdays, 8:00 am – 7:00 pm at 855-315-5800 or